Why Instagram ads are necessary for your business

Instagram is a relatively new and young service that already boasts a good advertising budget. During its short history, more than 600 billion U.S. dollars have already been invested in the service. It’s worth considering that today, Instagram already has a huge number of users. Hence, it is obvious that advertising on instagram is not so expensive.

Unlike other social networks, Instagram users post only photos and short, up to 15-second videos with descriptions and tags, which can be used to find users anywhere in the world. This fact makes the network an exceptional advertising platform for which you can even buy instagram followers

The bottom line is that the majority of Instagram users are smartphone users, and they’re more than 3 times more likely to click on Instagram posts than on other social platforms, according to recent studies. These days, the smartphone has long ceased to be a simple means of telephone communication. The new technology generation dictates its own rules. Marketers have long caught on to the trends of online targeting. Thanks to the Facebook platform, Instagram posts can be customized using the most accurate targeting tools, touching not only the gender, age and geographic location of users, but also their interests, views and prejudices. 

That’s why advertising on Instagram from bloggers will be more effective than just brand advertising. The thing is that the more popular the user, the more subscribers he has, and accordingly, the more authoritative his opinion. The audience trusts him. After seeing the photos of the product in his Instagram feed and a positive comment from a blogger whose publications he follows, the decision to buy will be made many times faster.

Why do you need Instagram statistics?

It is inherent to a person to share impressions. That’s why he creates photo albums. With the advent of digital technology and the Internet, people began to post photos and videos on social networking sites. However, with the advent of Instagram, there was a real revolution in the web.

Every day around the world, hundreds of thousands of people post their photos to Instagram. The popularity of this particular network is due to the ease of use and the publication of images and convenient filters. It is also worth noting that the majority of users and subscribers to Instagram are young people under the age of 35.  They actively communicate in the network, posting new posts and photos every day. It is also worth noting that Instagram allows direct interaction between people and brands, which cannot be said about other mass media channels such as radio and television. 

However, without performance analytics, it is impossible to achieve an effective return on investment. From an Instagram account, we can find out data such as the number of followers, likes, number of profile views and stories, profile reach. Based on this data, it is also easy to calculate the growth rate of the account, the average number of comments, the engagement rate. This knowledge will be useful for you to compare with different accounts. 

Tracking Instagram statistics allows you to assess the correctness of your actions. Also, analysis in Instagram can evaluate the effectiveness of an advertising campaign or the work of a marketing specialist or blogger. It is worth remembering that data that is only in Instagram will not be enough to form a complete report, there will be no study of the dynamics of account growth. Also, you will not be able to track data from competitors’ accounts. To accelerate the growth of the popularity of the account, it is worth resorting to the services of special services and buy american instagram followers.